Section 4 of UARC Constitution and By-Laws
last updated October 2018
4: Membership:
A: Any person may apply to become a member of this club upon payment of membership dues as outlined in the By-Laws, by agreeing to comply with all rules, regulations, and mandates of this Club.
C: The Board of Directors reserves the right to accept or reject for any cause any application for membership or membership renewal. Membership in UARC is a privilege, not a right.
D: Privileges:
Each adult member is allowed one vote in all matters pertaining to the Club (elections, amendments).
Youth members shall not have the right to vote in club matters; except in the case of voting for a Youth Director/Representative.
Each adult member has the right to run for an office in this club once a full year membership is secured. Youth members shall not have the right to run for an office, except for the position of Youth Director/Representative.
If a member applies and pays between Jan 1-Sept 30, the membership shall be for the current year and expire on December 31 with full membership rights up to and including participation in elections and sweepstakes. If a member applies and pays between Oct 1-Dec 31 they will have access to club news and events but full membership rights up to and including participation in elections and sweepstakes will begin Jan 1 and expire December 31 of the following year. Each person interested in joining the Club shall receive a membership application along with a copy of the Constitution & By-laws. With the application, the person agrees that they have read and understood the rules as outlined in the C & BL. The secretary is responsible for maintaining a list of current members and dates of membership privileges.
2019 Washington Court House UARC Specialty Best of Breeds
Perks of becoming a UARC membership:
Members Only Facebook page
Specialty shows held in MD, VA, WV, PA, NJ, NC, OH, and other Eastern states, Club hosted and Member supported
Sweepstakes Awards!
English, French, Giant, and Satin Angora awards for
Best of Breeds and Best Opposite Sex
Herdsman of the Year for Open and Youth Competitors
Directions on how to become a member:
Effective 12/28/18 the UARC now requires a membership fee to be submitted along with your Membership Application. This will also need to be submitted yearly for current members to remain in good standing with the club.
If you are a current member as of 12/28/18 you will have a grace period until March 31, 2019 to renew your membership application and send your membership fee.
Membership Fees:
$5.00 adult yearly; $3.00 youth (under 19) yearly; and a family membership is (2 adults, any number of kids) is $15.00 yearly.
You can pay for multiple memberships, for multiple years at once! Make a note on your Paypal payment regarding your extended memberships.
Our club’s PayPal is Add your name to your payment and make note that the payment is for membership.
Consider donating $0.35 per $5 to cover the cost of paypal fees.